Price / Percentage change:
| Open | High | Low | Close |
Latest | 1495.40 | 1508.15 | 1471.45 | 1501.95 |
Prev day | 1493.95 | 1518.90 | 1489.05 | 1499.90 |
Last week | 1292.55 | 1504.30 | 1282.50 | 1498.55 |
Last month | 1466.95 | 1484.55 | 1207.25 | 1262.95 |
All time | | 2037.00 | 50.25 | |
1 Day | 5 Day | 20 Day | 50 Day |
0.00% | 2.00% | 13.50% | 5.50% |
Trading range:
TradingRange | Highest Close | Lowest Close | Highest High | Lowest Low |
5 days | 1530.10 | 1492.10 | 1547.00 | 1455.05 |
10 days | 1530.10 | 1291.20 | 1547.00 | 1282.45 |
20 days | 1530.10 | 1262.95 | 1547.00 | 1225.00 |
Trend analysis :
Trend | First Signal | Price | Reversal | P SAR |
BBB | 19-03-2025 | 1440.50 | 1225.00 | 1412.30 |
ATR (20d) | Williams R | RSI (5d) | RSI (14d) | Vol | Av Vol (20d) |
53.93 | 83 | 72 | 66 | 511000 | 637000
Fibonacci price projections:
Note: projections will change only if program detects a swing or change of more than 3%. This can mean that the stock or index can move a lot but projections may not change. Here the workaround is to manually identify the peak (swing high) and trough (swing low) and then draw the projections. Learn more.
| 0% | 61.8% | 100% | 161.8% | 261.8% |
Up | 1282.45 | 1350.12 | 1391.95 | 1459.62 | 1569.12 |
Dn | 1391.95 | 1324.28 | 1282.45 | 1214.78 | 1105.28 |
Intraday pivot levels:
Sup 2 | Sup 1 | Pivot | Res 1 | Res 2 |
1457.10 | 1479.50 | 1493.85 | 1516.20 | 1530.55 |
Weekly pivot levels:
Sup 2 | Sup 1 | Pivot | Res 1 | Res 2 |
1206.65 | 1352.60 | 1428.45 | 1574.40 | 1650.25 |
Monthly pivot levels:
Sup 2 | Sup 1 | Pivot | Res 1 | Res 2 |
1040.95 | 1151.95 | 1318.25 | 1429.25 | 1595.55 |
Moving averages (simple):
5 Day | 20 Day | 50 Day | 200 Day |
1505 | 1375 | 1370 |
1592 |
Other levels:
52 Week Hi - Lo | Last Mnth Hi - Lo | Swing Hi - Lo | B Band Hi - Lo |
2037.00 - 1207.25 | 1484.55 - 1207.25 | 1391.95 - 1282.45 | 1554.23 - 1195.72 |
Six months candlestick chart
Charts courtsey:
One year line chart
Two years weekly chart
Charts courtsey: